Complete Solutions and Summary of Footprints without Feet - NCERT Class 10, Footprints without Feet, Chapter 5 - Summary, Questions, Answers, Extra Questions...

Detailed summary and explanation of Chapter 5 'Footprints without Feet' with all question answers, extra questions, and solutions from NCERT Class X, Footprints without Feet.

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Tags: Footprints without Feet, Summary, Class 10, NCERT, Footprints without Feet, Chapter 5, Answers, Extra Questions
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'Footprints without Feet' by H.G. Wells is the story of Griffin, a brilliant but lawless scientist who discovers how to make himself invisible. However, instead of using his discovery for the good of humanity, Griffin uses it to commit crimes and create chaos. The story follows his misadventures as an invisible man, exploring themes of science, morality, and the misuse of knowledge.

Summary in English (200 words):

'Footprints without Feet' tells the story of Griffin, a scientist who discovers the secret to invisibility. Although brilliant, Griffin is lawless and uses his invention for selfish reasons. After becoming invisible, he roams the streets of London, committing thefts and causing trouble. He steals clothes and money to survive, but his reckless behavior soon catches up with him. In the village of Iping, his invisibility leads to suspicion, and eventually, he is pursued by the police. Griffin’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of misusing scientific knowledge, as his once-great discovery turns him into a fugitive with no peace of mind.

Summary in Hindi (200 words):

'Footprints without Feet' एच.जी. वेल्स द्वारा लिखी गई कहानी है, जो ग्रिफिन नामक वैज्ञानिक के बारे में है, जिसने खुद को अदृश्य बनाने का तरीका खोज निकाला। हालांकि वह एक महान वैज्ञानिक था, लेकिन उसने अपने आविष्कार का उपयोग गलत उद्देश्यों के लिए किया। अदृश्य हो जाने के बाद, वह लंदन की सड़कों पर घूमता है, चोरी करता है और समस्याएं खड़ी करता है। जीवित रहने के लिए वह कपड़े और पैसे चुराता है, लेकिन उसका लापरवाह व्यवहार उसे जल्द ही परेशानी में डाल देता है। इपिंग गांव में उसकी अदृश्यता से लोग उस पर शक करने लगते हैं और अंत में पुलिस उसका पीछा करती है। ग्रिफिन की कहानी वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान के दुरुपयोग के खतरों को उजागर करती है, क्योंकि उसका आविष्कार उसे एक भगोड़ा बना देता है, जिसके पास कोई मानसिक शांति नहीं है।

Think about it - Page 31

1. “Griffin was rather a lawless person.” Comment.
Griffin, despite being a brilliant scientist, shows little regard for law or morality. After discovering the secret of invisibility, he uses his invention not for the betterment of society but for personal gain and revenge. He sets fire to his landlord’s house out of spite and goes on to steal clothes, food, and money. Instead of using his scientific achievements responsibly, Griffin becomes a lawless wanderer who misuses his powers for selfish and destructive purposes, making him a dangerous character.
2. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist?
As a scientist, Griffin is undoubtedly brilliant, as he manages to make an extraordinary discovery—the ability to become invisible. However, his lack of ethics and responsibility undermines his scientific achievements. While his scientific skills are remarkable, his actions show that he lacks the moral compass necessary to use his discoveries for good. Griffin's story is a cautionary tale of how scientific knowledge, if not guided by ethical considerations, can lead to dangerous outcomes.

Talk about it - Page 31

1. Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee, if you did?
The idea of becoming invisible seems fascinating, as it would allow one to move around unnoticed and observe situations without being detected. The advantages might include escaping from danger, gathering information without interference, or experiencing privacy. However, the disadvantages could outweigh the benefits—living invisibly would create a sense of isolation, and the temptation to misuse this power for selfish reasons could lead to moral dilemmas. Additionally, being invisible could make it difficult to interact with others and maintain normal relationships.
2. Are there forces around us that are invisible, for example, magnetism? Are there aspects of matter that are ‘invisible’ or not visible to the naked eye? What would the world be like if you could see such forces or such aspects of matter?
Yes, there are invisible forces around us, such as magnetism, gravity, and electricity. Additionally, there are aspects of matter, such as atoms, molecules, and air, that are not visible to the naked eye. If we could see these forces, the world might appear chaotic and overwhelming, as we would be constantly aware of the energy and particles moving around us. It could be both fascinating and disorienting to observe the invisible workings of nature on a constant basis.
3. What makes glass or water transparent (what is the scientific explanation for this)? Do you think it would be scientifically possible for a man to become invisible, or transparent? (Keep in mind that writers of science fiction have often turned out to be prophetic in their imagination!)
Glass and water are transparent because light waves pass through them with minimal scattering. The atoms in these materials do not absorb the light in the visible spectrum, allowing the light to pass through. Scientifically, making a human invisible would require altering the way light interacts with the human body—either by bending light around the person or by making the body’s atoms transparent like glass. While it is still speculative, advancements in technology, such as cloaking devices, suggest that invisibility may one day become possible. Science fiction has often predicted technological advancements that later become reality, so the idea is not entirely implausible.

About the Author

H.G. Wells was an English writer best known for his science fiction works such as 'The War of the Worlds', 'The Time Machine', and 'The Invisible Man'. He is considered one of the pioneers of modern science fiction, often using futuristic ideas to explore social, political, and moral themes. 'Footprints without Feet', based on his novel 'The Invisible Man', examines the consequences of scientific hubris and the moral dilemmas that come with power.