Summary, Questions, Answers, Extra Questions - The Happy Prince - NCERT Class 9, Chapter 5

Detailed summary and explanation of Chapter 5 'The Happy Prince' with all question answers, extra questions, and solutions from NCERT Class IX.

Updated : 2 months ago

Categories: NCERT, Class IX, Summary, The Happy Prince, Extra Questions, Chapter 5, Moments
Tags: The Happy Prince, Summary, Class 9, NCERT, Chapter 5, Answers, Extra Questions, Moments
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Summary of The Happy Prince

'The Happy Prince' is a short story by Oscar Wilde. It tells the tale of a beautiful statue, the Happy Prince, who stands high above a city. He was once a real prince, but now his statue watches over the suffering people of the city. With the help of a little swallow, the Happy Prince gives away his gold and precious gems to help the poor and needy, ultimately sacrificing everything. The story highlights themes of selflessness and compassion.

The Happy Prince in Hindi

'द हैप्पी प्रिंस' ऑस्कर वाइल्ड द्वारा लिखी गई एक छोटी कहानी है। यह एक सुंदर प्रतिमा, हैप्पी प्रिंस, की कहानी है, जो एक शहर के ऊपर खड़ा होता है। वह कभी एक वास्तविक राजकुमार था, लेकिन अब उसकी प्रतिमा शहर के पीड़ित लोगों पर नजर रखती है। एक छोटी चिड़िया की मदद से, हैप्पी प्रिंस अपना सोना और कीमती रत्न गरीबों और जरूरतमंदों की मदद के लिए दे देता है, और अंततः सब कुछ बलिदान कर देता है। यह कहानी निःस्वार्थता और करुणा के विषयों पर प्रकाश डालती है।

Think About It Icon THINK ABOUT IT

1. Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

The courtiers called him the Happy Prince because he lived a life of luxury and was never exposed to the hardships of the world. However, he is not really happy after becoming a statue, as he can now see the suffering and misery of the people in his city, which fills him with sorrow.

2. Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress’ house?

The Happy Prince sends a ruby for the seamstress because her son is ill, and she has no money to buy him food or medicine. The swallow delivers the ruby and helps the boy by fanning his forehead with his wings, which soothes him and helps him sleep peacefully.

3. For whom does the prince send the sapphires and why?

The Happy Prince sends one sapphire to a young playwright who is too cold and hungry to finish his play. The second sapphire is sent to a poor matchgirl whose father would beat her if she did not bring home some money. Both sapphires help the recipients in their moments of desperation.

4. What does the swallow see when it flies over the city?

The swallow sees stark contrasts in the city. While the rich are enjoying lavish lives, the poor are suffering from hunger and cold. He sees beggars, starving children, and people struggling to survive in harsh conditions.

5. Why did the swallow not leave the prince and go to Egypt?

The swallow stays because he is moved by the prince’s compassion and his desire to help the poor. Even though the weather grows colder, the swallow remains by the prince's side to assist him in his acts of kindness.

6. What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious?

The precious things in the story are the Happy Prince’s ruby, sapphires, and gold leaves. These items are precious not just for their material value but because they are used to alleviate the suffering of the poor. In the end, the most precious things are the prince’s broken lead heart and the dead swallow, symbolizing love, sacrifice, and compassion.

Talk About It Icon TALK ABOUT IT

The little swallow says, “It is curious, but I feel quite warm now, although it is so cold.” Have you ever had such a feeling? Share your experience with your friends.

Sometimes, when we do something kind or help others, we feel a sense of warmth and happiness inside, even in difficult or uncomfortable situations. This feeling comes from knowing that we’ve made a positive difference in someone’s life. Share any experience where you felt joy and warmth after helping someone, even if it was a small act of kindness.

About the Author

Oscar Wilde was a famous Irish writer and poet. He is best known for his wit, humor, and the portrayal of deep moral lessons in his works. 'The Happy Prince' is one of his most beloved stories, emphasizing kindness and the value of helping others.