Updated : 4 months ago
'The Snake and the Mirror' is a humorous story narrated by a homeopath doctor. It captures a strange and frightening incident when a cobra coiled itself around the doctor’s arm. The story beautifully highlights the doctor's thoughts, his dreams, and his sudden realization of the reality he faces.
The story revolves around a homeopathic doctor who is fond of admiring his looks. One night, while looking into the mirror, the doctor is confronted with a terrifying situation: a cobra coils around his arm. As he sits motionless, fearing for his life, he watches the cobra seemingly admiring itself in the mirror. The snake eventually slithers away, and the doctor escapes unharmed. The humorous elements of the doctor’s vanity and the contrasting reality of the snake provide a light-hearted yet thought-provoking read.
'सांप और आईना' एक हास्यप्रद कहानी है जो एक होम्योपैथिक डॉक्टर द्वारा सुनाई जाती है। यह कहानी उस विचित्र और डरावनी घटना को बयां करती है जब एक कोबरा डॉक्टर के हाथ के चारों ओर लिपट जाता है। इस घटना में डॉक्टर के मन में आने वाले विचार, उसकी कल्पनाएँ, और फिर वास्तविकता के प्रति उसकी अचानक जागरूकता को बहुत सुंदर ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
The doctor heard the sound of rats scurrying in his room, which he initially thought was a regular occurrence. He heard the sounds twice before it stopped when he noticed the snake slithering down from the roof.
The doctor made two "earth-shaking" decisions: first, he would shave every day and keep a thin mustache to look handsome. Second, he would marry a woman with plenty of money and good looks.
When the doctor first smiles, he is full of vanity and admires his appearance. Later, when he smiles again, he is weak and scared, realizing the danger of the snake coiled around his arm. His thoughts shift from self-admiration to fear of the snake.
The doctor is a poor, struggling homeopath who lives in a rented room full of rats. However, he wants to be a rich and handsome man, with lofty dreams of improving his appearance and marrying a wealthy woman. The contrast between his reality and dreams creates humor.
The doctor wants to marry a rich, fat woman who cannot run fast so that he can control her. Ironically, he ends up marrying a thin, quiet woman, contrasting his absurd expectations with the reality of his marriage.
When the doctor looks into the mirror, he is full of self-admiration and dreams of improving his appearance. However, when the snake coils around his arm, his thoughts shift to survival, and he forgets about his vanity, focusing on staying still to avoid danger.
Can you find the expressions in the story that tell you that the author was frightened? Read the story and complete the following sentences.
Report these questions using if/whether or why/when/where/how/which/what. Remember the italicised verbs change into the past tense.
Using some of the expressions given above in exercise III, talk about an incident when you were very scared. You may have a competition to decide whose story was the most frightening.
The following paragraph is about the Indian cobra. Read it twice and close your book. Your teacher will then dictate the paragraph to you. Write it down with appropriate punctuation marks.
The Indian cobra is the common name for members of the family of venomous snakes, known for their intimidating looks and deadly bite. Cobras are recognised by the hoods that they flare when angry or disturbed; the hoods are created by the extension of the ribs behind the cobras’ heads. Obviously, the best prevention is to avoid getting bitten. This is facilitated by the fact that humans are not the natural prey of any venomous snake. We are a bit large for them to swallow whole and they have no means of chopping us up into bite-size pieces. Nearly all snakebites in humans are the result of a snake defending itself when it feels threatened. In general, snakes are shy and will simply leave if you give them a chance.
In this exercise, students are asked to remove the humour and focus solely on the frightening elements of the story "The Snake and the Mirror." They should focus on the tense moments, such as the snake coiling around the doctor's arm and the doctor’s fear, without including the humorous commentary about his appearance or ambitions.
This activity encourages students to use their creativity to imagine what the monkey might be thinking as it looks into a mirror. They could describe the monkey’s curiosity, self-recognition, or even wonder if the monkey mistakes its reflection for another monkey.
The text you read is a translation of a story by a well-known Malayalam writer, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer.
In translating a story from one language to another, a translator must keep the content intact. However, the language and the style differ in different translations of the same text.
Compare the two translations on the basis of the points above. Which of these translations do you like? Give reasons for your choice.
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer (1908-1994) was a prominent Malayalam writer known for his simple, yet profound storytelling. Often regarded as one of the pioneers of Malayalam literature, Basheer's works reflect his deep humanism, humor, and insight into the lives of common people. His stories often revolve around the everyday struggles and dreams of ordinary individuals, with a rich mix of humor and tragedy. Basheer’s writing is also known for its colloquial tone and realistic portrayal of characters, which makes his work accessible to a wide audience. His celebrated works include Balyakalasakhi (Childhood Friend), Pathummayude Aadu (Pathumma's Goat), and Ntuppuppakkoranendarnnu (My Grandfather Had an Elephant).