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How to Calculate Percentile Score for CAT 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide, with Calculator

Learn the Detailed Process to Calculate Overall and Sectional Percentile Scores in CAT 2024, Using QA Section as an Example

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Tags: cat, exam, score, calculate
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Calculation of percentile score of a candidate

CAT Percentile Score Calculation FAQ & Calculator

CAT Percentile Score Calculator

Calculated Percentile Score is :

The steps described below are followed to calculate the CAT 2024 overall and sectional percentile scores obtained by a candidate. While illustrating the percentile score calculation process, QA section is chosen as an example. Similar process is followed for the overall percentile score calculation and for the other two sections, i.e. DILR and VARC in CAT 2024.

Step 1

Calculate the total number of candidates (N) who appeared for CAT (i.e. including morning, afternoon and evening sessions).

Step 2

Assign a rank (r), based on the scaled scores obtained in the QA section, to all candidates who appeared for CAT. In the case of two or more candidates obtaining identical scaled scores in the QA section, assign identical ranks to all those candidates. As an illustration suppose exactly two candidates obtain the highest scaled score in the QA section, then both of those candidates are assigned a rank of 1. Moreover, the candidate(s) obtaining the second highest scaled score in the QA section are assigned a rank of 3 and so on.

Step 3:

Calculate the percentile score (P) of a candidate with rank (r) in the QA section as:


Round off the calculated percentile score (P) of a candidate up to two decimal points. For example, all percentile scores greater than or equal to 99.995 are rounded off to 100, all percentile scores greater than or equal to 99.985 but strictly less than 99.995 are rounded off to 99.99 and so on. A methodology similar to the one described above is used for the computation of the overall CAT percentile scores and for the percentile scores of other sections.

CAT Percentile Score Calculation - FAQ

What is a Percentile Score?

A percentile score is a score that indicates the relative performance of a candidate compared to all other candidates who appeared in the CAT exam. It is a way to rank candidates on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

How is the Percentile Score Calculated?

The percentile score is calculated using the following steps:

  1. Calculate the total number of candidates (N) who appeared for CAT.
  2. Assign a rank (r) to each candidate based on their scaled scores in a specific section, such as Quantitative Aptitude (QA). Candidates with identical scores receive the same rank.
  3. Calculate the percentile score (P) using the formula:

    P = [(N - r) / N] x 100

    Here, P represents the percentile score, N is the total number of candidates, and r is the rank of the candidate.
  4. Round off the calculated percentile score to two decimal places. For example, scores greater than or equal to 99.995 are rounded off to 100, and scores between 99.985 and 99.995 are rounded off to 99.99.

Why is the Percentile Score Important?

The percentile score is crucial in determining a candidate's relative performance in the CAT exam. It helps to rank candidates in a way that reflects their standing among all test-takers, ensuring a fair and consistent assessment across different exam sessions.

What Happens if Multiple Candidates Have the Same Scaled Score?

If multiple candidates have the same scaled score, they are assigned the same rank. The next rank is then adjusted accordingly. For example, if two candidates are tied for the highest score, both are given rank 1, and the next candidate is given rank 3.

How is the Percentile Score Rounded Off?

The percentile score is rounded off to two decimal places. For example, if a candidate's calculated percentile score is 99.995 or above, it is rounded off to 100. If the score is between 99.985 and 99.995, it is rounded off to 99.99, and so on.

Can the Percentile Score be 100?

Yes, the percentile score can be 100. This indicates that the candidate has performed better than all other candidates who appeared for the exam.

Where Can I Learn More About Percentile Scores?

For more detailed information about percentile score calculations, you can refer to the official CAT guidelines or the exam's information brochure.