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Performance in Class XII (or Equivalent) Board Examination for Admission to IITs

A detailed guide to the performance criteria in Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination for eligibility in IIT admissions through JEE Advanced 2024.

Updated : 6 months ago

Categories: JEE Advanced, Eligibility, 2024, Education
Tags: JEE Advanced 2024, Class XII Performance, Eligibility Criteria, IIT Admissions
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For candidates aspiring to secure admission in IITs through JEE Advanced 2024, meeting the performance criteria in Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination is crucial. This guide outlines the specific requirements and considerations for eligibility based on your Class XII performance.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must satisfy at least one of the following criteria with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects:

1. Must have passed Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination with a minimum of five subjects and secured at least 75% aggregate marks. The aggregate marks for SC, ST, and PwD candidates should be at least 65%.

2. Must have passed Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination with a minimum of five subjects and be within the category-wise top 20 percentile of successful candidates in their respective Class XII (or equivalent) board examination.

Special Considerations for Improvement Exams

Candidates appearing for improvement in Board examinations can either improve their aggregate marks to meet the 75% criteria (65% for SC, ST, and PwD) or reappear in all subjects to secure a place in the top 20 percentile. It is important to note that the marksheet must be issued by the same examination board and marksheets from separate boards are not permitted.

Subjects Considered for Aggregate Marks

The following five subjects will be considered for calculating the aggregate marks and the cut-off marks for fulfilling the top 20 percentile criterion:

1. Physics

2. Chemistry

3. Mathematics

4. A language (the one with the higher marks will be considered if more than one language is taken)

5. Any subject other than the above four (the subject with the highest marks will be considered)

Additional Guidelines

For calculation of the total marks for five subjects, if the marks awarded in a subject are NOT out of 100, then the marks will be scaled (up or down) to 100 so that the total aggregate marks are out of 500.

If a Board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the Board specifying the equivalent marks and submit it at the time of acceptance of the allocated seat. In case such a certificate is not provided, the decision taken by the Joint Implementation Committee of JEE (Advanced) 2024 will be final.

For candidates who appeared in the Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination for the first time in 2023 and reappeared in ALL subjects in 2024, the best of the two performances will be considered.

If a Board gives aggregate marks considering both Class XI and Class XII examinations, then only Class XII marks will be considered. If a Board gives aggregate marks considering the results of all three years of a 3-year diploma or courses of equivalent duration, then the marks scored only in the final year will be considered.

In case any of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Language are not evaluated in the final year (e.g., in a 3-year diploma course), then the marks for the same subject from the previous year/s will be used for calculating the percentage of aggregate marks.

If a Board does not give marks scored in individual subjects but gives only the aggregate marks, then the aggregate marks given by the Board will be considered as such.

The above will also apply correspondingly to those candidates who first appeared for their Class XII examination in 2022 but the examination Board of Class XII (or equivalent) declared the results for the academic year 2021-22 on or after September 21, 2022.


Meeting the performance criteria in the Class XII (or equivalent) Board examination is essential for eligibility in IIT admissions through JEE Advanced 2024. Candidates must carefully review and ensure they meet the specified requirements to avoid any eligibility issues during the admission process.

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