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Complete Summary and Solutions of No Men Are Foreign - NCERT Class 9, Beehive, Poem 6 - Explanation, Solutions, and Extra Questions

Detailed summary and explanation of Poem 6 'No Men Are Foreign' from NCERT Class IX Beehive, with solutions to questions and exercises.

Updated : 2 months ago

Categories: NCERT, Class IX, Beehive, Poem, No Men Are Foreign, Summary, Extra Questions
Tags: No Men Are Foreign, Summary, Class 9, NCERT, Beehive, Poem, James Kirkup, Questions, Answers
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'No Men Are Foreign' by James Kirkup is a powerful poem that promotes unity and peace. The poet reminds us that all human beings are essentially the same, regardless of the country they come from or the uniform they wear. The poem speaks against war and division, urging us to recognize our common humanity.

Summary of No Men Are Foreign

The poem emphasizes the idea that all people, no matter their nationality or ethnicity, are fundamentally the same. We all share the same human experiences—breathing the same air, walking on the same earth, and having similar emotions and needs. By promoting war and hatred, we are not only harming others but also ourselves. The poem's central message is that there are no strangers among humans; we are all connected, and no men are foreign.

कोई भी आदमी विदेशी नहीं है (No Men Are Foreign) का सारांश

यह कविता इस विचार पर जोर देती है कि सभी लोग, चाहे उनकी राष्ट्रीयता या जातीयता कुछ भी हो, मौलिक रूप से समान हैं। हम सभी समान मानवीय अनुभवों को साझा करते हैं—एक ही हवा में सांस लेते हैं, एक ही धरती पर चलते हैं, और हमारी भावनाएँ और आवश्यकताएँ एक जैसी हैं। युद्ध और घृणा को बढ़ावा देकर हम न केवल दूसरों को नुकसान पहुँचाते हैं बल्कि खुद को भी नुकसान पहुँचाते हैं। इस कविता का मुख्य संदेश यह है कि मानवता में कोई अजनबी नहीं है; हम सब आपस में जुड़े हुए हैं, और कोई भी आदमी विदेशी नहीं है।

Thinking about the Poem

1. (i) “Beneath all uniforms ...” What uniforms do you think the poet is speaking about?

The poet is referring to the different uniforms worn by soldiers of various nations, symbolizing the different nationalities and professions that people have. However, beneath these uniforms, all people are the same.

(ii) How does the poet suggest that all people on earth are the same?

The poet suggests that all people on earth are the same by highlighting that we all have similar bodies, emotions, and lives. Regardless of nationality, race, or religion, we all experience hunger, love, and the pain of war. The poet uses universal imagery to emphasize our shared humanity.

2. In stanza 1, find five ways in which we all are alike. Pick out the words.

In stanza 1, the poet highlights that we are all alike through the following words: “same hands,” “same eyes,” “same blood,” “same organs,” and “same strength.” These words emphasize that all humans share the same basic physical and emotional characteristics.

3. How many common features can you find in stanza 2? Pick out the words.

In stanza 2, the poet emphasizes the following common features: “awaken to the same sunlight,” “sleep in the same land,” “we are fed by peaceful harvests,” and “we are starved by war’s disruption.” These words illustrate that despite our differences, we all depend on the same earth for sustenance and survival.

4. “...whenever we are told to hate our brothers ...” When do you think this happens? Why? Who ‘tells’ us? Should we do as we are told at such times? What does the poet say?

This happens during times of conflict, such as war or political disputes, when governments, leaders, or society may tell people to hate others who are different from them. The poet urges us not to blindly follow such orders, as hatred only leads to destruction and suffering. The poet emphasizes that we should recognize our shared humanity and choose love and peace instead of hatred.

About the Author

James Kirkup (1918–2009) was an English poet, translator, and writer. Known for his compassion and empathy, his works often dealt with themes of human suffering and the need for universal peace. 'No Men Are Foreign' reflects his deep belief in the unity of mankind and the futility of war.

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