Complete Solutions and Summary of The Midnight Visitor - NCERT Class 10, Footprints without Feet, Chapter 3 - Summary, Questions, Answers, Extra Questions.
Detailed summary and explanation of Chapter 3 'The Midnight Visitor' with all question answers, extra questions, and solutions from NCERT Class X, Footprints without Feet.
Updated : 2 months ago
'The Midnight Visitor' is a suspenseful story by Robert Arthur featuring Ausable, a secret agent who doesn't fit the traditional image of a spy. The story revolves around how Ausable outwits his enemy, Max, through quick thinking and clever deception. The narrative highlights the importance of presence of mind and intelligence over physical appearance in dangerous situations.
Summary in English (200 words):
'The Midnight Visitor' is a story about Ausable, a secret agent, who defies the stereotypical image of a spy. He is described as fat and clumsy, much unlike the glamorous spies portrayed in fiction. Fowler, a young writer, meets him expecting to witness thrilling espionage but is disappointed by Ausable's unimpressive appearance. However, Ausable surprises Fowler by outwitting Max, a rival agent. Max sneaks into Ausable's room to steal a confidential report, but Ausable tricks him into believing that there is a balcony outside the window. When the police knock on the door, Max tries to escape through the non-existent balcony and falls to his death. The story showcases how Ausable uses his wit and quick thinking to deal with the threat without any violence.
Summary in Hindi (200 words):
'मिडनाइट विज़िटर' रॉबर्ट आर्थर द्वारा लिखी गई एक रोमांचक कहानी है, जिसमें औसेबल नामक गुप्त एजेंट मुख्य किरदार है। औसेबल अपने दुश्मन मैक्स को अपनी चतुराई से मात देता है। कहानी में औसेबल को एक मोटे और अनाकर्षक व्यक्ति के रूप में दर्शाया गया है, जो गुप्त एजेंटों की पारंपरिक छवि से बिल्कुल अलग है। लेखक फाउलर औसेबल से मिलने आता है, लेकिन वह उसके व्यक्तित्व से निराश होता है। कहानी तब रोमांचक हो जाती है जब मैक्स औसेबल के कमरे में घुसकर एक महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ चुराने की कोशिश करता है। औसेबल उसे यह यकीन दिला देता है कि उसके कमरे की खिड़की से बाहर एक बालकनी है, और जब पुलिस दस्तक देती है, तो मैक्स बालकनी के रास्ते भागने की कोशिश में गिरकर मर जाता है। यह कहानी यह संदेश देती है कि संकट की स्थिति में उपस्थिति और समझदारी से काम लेना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है।
Think about it - Page 18
Talk about it - Page 18
- A small fire starts in your kitchen.
- A child starts to choke on a piece of food.
- An electrical appliance starts to hiss and gives out sparks.
- A bicycle knocks down a pedestrian.
- It rains continuously for more than twenty-four hours.
- A member of your family does not return home at the usual or expected time.
- If a child starts choking, I would immediately perform the Heimlich maneuver or encourage them to cough it out if it’s mild.
- If an electrical appliance hisses and sparks, I would turn off the main power switch and unplug the appliance, avoiding touching it directly. Then, I’d contact an electrician.
- If a bicycle knocks down a pedestrian, I would first check for any injuries and help the person to a safe place. I’d call for medical assistance if necessary and ensure the cyclist is also unharmed.
- If it rains continuously for over twenty-four hours, I would monitor weather updates, ensure all windows and doors are secured, and prepare for potential flooding or power outages.
- If a family member doesn’t return home on time, I’d first try calling them and checking their usual route. If they don’t respond for an extended time, I’d contact friends, neighbors, or the authorities for assistance.
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